Sunday, February 20, 2011

Assignment 1

I get inspired by many different types of photographic images I happen upon. So it is easy to get somewhat overwhelmed by such a simple assignment as this one. I recently saw the Annie Leibovitz exhibition and was pulled in many directions, so ultimately I ended up eliminating choosing any one of her pieces that were on display.

Inspiration or to be inspired  can  be laced with much ambiguity. Is one inspired by the image in a sense to create work of a similar genre/style or quality?  Or is inspiration from an image "merely" being that this image captivates and resonates with you more so than others. So i decided to gather a collection of  strong quality images at random and set about seeing which ones drew me in, and then to decide from the short list which is the most inspirational to me.

I ended up choosing an image by Codrin Lupei. from a series titled, appropriately enough, "those questions". The actual name of the image was "those questions II/III (cut)"..... Which then led me to his similar image "those questions II/III".. that engaged me even more.

Why this one..?

It has many elements that captivate me ..and it DOES inspire me. I have always been drawn to the esoteric, the surreal,  to juxtaposition, high contrast almost low key moody imagery. But not only is it's aesthetic compelling to me, it has many layers of story and sub-text, that simply CANNOT be fully articulated. However the strongest element in the subject matter for me creates a mood of  instant melancholy. It tells of displacement, isolation, futility and shattered dreams. What was-what is....and potentially what will be.

There is also a bitter sweet sense of hope as the past is reflected but now behind and distorted yet movement is towards a new horizon which, still unsure and cloudy, represents change and the human spirit..

So yes, I know why I was drawn to "those questions II/III (cut)" out of all the others from my random collection which led me to "those questions II/III". It spoke to me immediately and then we metaphorically conversed and more was revealed.